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Monday, August 07, 2006

Easing Back into the Water

I went down to the Muck on Friday night because I knew that there would be a $20/40 and maybe a $30/60 game going. I did not want to play $100/200 as I am easing my way back into the bigger games and until I feel my game is better I don't want to jump back in.

I was lucky enough to walk in and they started a new $20/40 game within 5 minutes of me getting in the room. I got the last seat and we were off to the races. It was a pretty tight game for a Friday night, but that was ok with me. I would have preferred a little more gamble to try and make money, but a tight straight forward game is fine too. I started off playing tight as well until I could get a feel for the table, but I noticed that it was playing too tight and there were going to be some opportunities to steal and bluff. The flip side to that was that these players were not going to lay down hands if they hit top pair so you had to hit the steal attempts or really set up the bluffs well and only bluff at those guys that could actually lay a pair down. Which turned out to be about one person. I am still having a bit of discipline problems with playing a few too many hands, but kept adjusting all night and reminding myself not to push hands.

At the end of the night I had played in both the $20/40 and $30/60 games, and was overall satisfied with my game. I think I am ready to jump back in to the $100/200 game here and will do so next week. I can't this week as I have to travel again for work. I finished up the night up a little over a dime so not a bad night in that game for 4 hours of cards.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, just not playing that much cards, and nothing really interesting to say even there. Will try to come up with something soon. The WSOP is winding down. Hope everyone down there had a great time and came back a winner. Talk to you soon....SJ


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