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Monday, November 22, 2004

Vegas Trip

Well, I went to Vegas over the weekend with friends and unfortunately did just about everything except play much cards. I had a great dinner at Jasmine in the Bellagio on Friday, and went to the Scorpions show at the Aladdin on Saturday night. I also did a lot of eating and shopping around town, but alas not much poker.

I played a total of 5 1/2 hours over two days. Two brief session. I played $30/$60 on Friday night from about 11:00pm to 1:00am. I would have played longer but I had to get up and go out to breakfast with everyone and did not want to be a zombie the next day. The session was great, game was pretty good. Bellagio was absolutely packed, every table in use, and some big games going on. Not the really big games, but they did have a $300/$600 mixed game with a lot of names in it. I saw Paul Phillips, Carlos Mortensen, Freddy Deeb, and Mel Juddah in the game. I hit pretty well and played average. I ended up the quick session winning +$1,342.

I then got to play for about 3 hours on Saturday in the afternoon. I sat right down into the must move $80/$160 game. This game was so good I could hardly believe myself. There were two people in the game who truly had no clue how to play real poker. They would just put there money in and see if they won. Unfortunately, that can go both ways on you as you have no idea where to put someone because they can have anything. I watched this one guy turn over a J high in a three way pot on the river. He was so clueless that he did not even know that he did not have to show his hand. The other players turned over full houses and he just flipped up his J high. This is great. Because I could only play a short time I was going to be subject to the whim of luck to get good hands to play. Alas I did not get many. The only big had I received pocket AA's went down in flames to a 5,8 suited which made a straight on the turn. Big pot gone. I then got involved in a small blind with 9,5 suited only to run into a K,5 hand when the old K,9,5 flops. I ram it with the big blind only to lose to a bigger shitty two pair. Those two pots cost me any chance I had a profit in a short session. I ended up losing -$1,150. The total for the trip a whopping profit of $192. Did not even pay for one night hotel. O well I am going back on the 10th for a weekend of pure poker. Get lots of play in that weekend. Talk to ya later SJ


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