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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Return to the Muck

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Work is just killing my poker time right now. I actually played at Parkers last Friday and made a return trip to the Muck last night after an almost 3 month absence. I have not had time to write up an update so here is both.

Last Friday was a little $8/16 late at night. The games were good as usual, and the kill game was really good. I just had to get a few hands, and then have them hold up. I got up right away, hey a new thing. I have been starting out stuck for almost the whole year. I think I am starting out not completely focused, or playing too loose right out of the gate which is causing me to get stuck, then I focus and get out to win. This time I either managed to hit the hands I chose to play early or I just started out more focused this time. Either way works for me. I was not up a ton and then got moved to the main kill game. This game was super fired up, with lots of gamble. My strategy was to play super tight, as you had to win showdowns, and push good draws with lots of players to maximize pots. This plan got only half executed however because the super tight part had me sitting out of play for over and hour before I chose to play anything but a quick look at the blinds. I then managed to get a few big pocket pairs to hold up, and low and behold I had the KILL button. I picked up K,9, clubs with the KILL button in middle position. An early position player raised, I called the bet with my $12 bucks already in there getting half price, and two other player called behind. The flop came down K,9,7 two diamonds. EP bet, I raised, two players behind cold called, EP three bets, I called, one behind called and now button capped. NICE POT, hold-em baby. Turn a 3 not diamond. EP bets I raise again, this time all three call. River a 5 not diamond, perfect. EP checks, I bet, two players muck and EP calls. I win the HUGE pot around $540 with top two and she had AK. I play one more round, and call it a night up almost 1 dime in an 8/16 game. Huge win for that game, I go home happy. Funny part is I would not have even been in that pot if it were not for the KILL pot. K,9 suited in MP after a raise is a hand I would muck 100% of the time. Luck can have a positive side as well. I just have not been on that side much lately.

Last night at the Muck I got into the $50/100 game. I was hoping for $100/200 but that game has not gone since before the WSOP when we were playing $150/300. I tried to get it kicked up all night, but there was always one or two that said no. No big deal, this game will do. It stayed pretty much short all night. 5 or 6 handed for a while, then 4, then 3. The problem was that the lineup had mostly good players in it. Regular Pete, Chris from LA who I think is going to move back up here, REP who cashed twice at the WSOP and one of those was a final table of the $1500 limit shoot out. He also played in the $50,000 HORSE event. Tough table. I basically tread water all night. Never up more than $1,200 never down more than $300. I did have fun playing 3 handed with Chris and Pete at the end of the night for almost two hours. Pete mostly watched Chris and I play pots against each other as he was not running that good and was playing too tight for 3 handed. Probably a symptom of not running good. Makes you really gunshy. A trait you have to fight really hard against if you want to win very short handed. As a result he dropped probably another $2k 3 handed as he just got outflopped and out played on almost every pot he was in. Chris unfortunately for me got most of it. No great hands to talk about.

I did win again however, almost a dime. Funny how I was slightly disappointed in the win last night of the same amount as Friday, hey a win is a win right?. The difference was I won around 62 BB in the 8/16 game but only 10 in the $50/100. Damn, I would take the reverse.

If you got this far and don't have a rakeback deal please use my link to to the left and sign up. Hope you are all winning and talk to you next week. I will not be playing this weekend. SJ


Blogger DrChako said...

Interesting Freudian slip.

"or playing too lose right out of the gate."

I'm sure you meant "too loose."

Sometimes I wonder if I'm playing to lose. Why else would I raise UTG with 4 6 off-suit?

9:15 PM  
Blogger Seattlejohn said...

Thanks for the catch, I knew I was doing something wrong that must have been it. As for the raise with 6,4off you are just trying to narrow the feild, if you limp you ARE trying to lose and are too loose.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

I'm wondering if you could give recommendations on good places to play in the Seattle area. I've been here a year now but only focused with online play. With the new (bullshit) law, I'm looking to take my game to live tables. I'm more of a tournament player than a cash game player. If you can offer any suggestions that would be great. My email is


2:51 PM  

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