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Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy New Year

I am back and ready to play some poker. I actually played a little on Friday night up at Parkers. I had not been there in 6 months so I thought I would ease back into the poker thing. I got a late start and did not want to drive down to the Muck as it has been raining and downright yucky here in Seattle for about a month. But hey this is Seattle and it does rain a lot here, so get used to it. The place is great now that they have banned smoking in all public places, you can play and not smoke a pack yourself. The only problem is they can't play any bigger than 12/24 and they usually only have an 8/16 game going. I knew that going in but wanted to play smaller than usual anyway just to get back into the swing. Glad I did because my run of cards has continued from the end of last year. I played a little over 4 hours and won a grand total of 5 hands. Yeah for me! I mostly sat there and watched as I really did not want to gamble it up with weak hands, and when I did come in with big hands I was really missing badly. As you can tell I lost, not a lot, but I booked a loss to start the year.

I am going to play tomorrow for real at the Muck. I need to work on a few things. I am reading poorly right now. I am having a hard time putting people on hands. I don't know if this is from a lack of playing or lack of attention, but I am not doing it well right now and I need to concentrate on this. This makes me a bit more passive in the game as I am not sure where I am. I need to amp up the aggressiveness as well. I need to get back to more than one way to win. Right now I am down to one, turning over the best hand, not a good way to book a winning session. I will work on those two aspects of my game tomorrow. Hope to get the year off right. Also, I bumped into the foodbanker in the game at parkers. He is going to give the pro poker thing a go it sounds like. Good luck to you and I hope you have a great 2006, just don't take any of my money. Hope you all have a winning year. SJ


Blogger DrChako said...

Glad you are back. My goal this year is to win enough to sit with you at the 50/100 table by December. I figure I need to win my way to a BR of at least 30K - I'm headed in that direction, but I have a ways to go. Maybe I just need to hit the bad beat. It was over $100,000 last time I saw it.

See you at the 'shoot.


12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is the foodbanker? I've seen this name before on FCP, but was curious as to whether or not they play at Muckleshoot? Is it a Muckleshoot regular or not?

3:26 AM  

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