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Monday, February 12, 2007

Lack of Interest or Time

I don't know about you but when I look around the blogs that I read I have noticed that there has been a real lack of posts, and when there are posts, there is not a whole lot of content in them to read. I put myself squarely in that group.

Is it a lack or waning interest in poker? Is the new legislation getting everyone down to the point that we are all just apathetic to poker these days? Is it that I read blogs that have been around for a few years and now they are getting bored, moving on, not wanting to post? I don't know. What I do know for myself is that I have had very little time to devote to this blog or to poker, and thus the posts have been very short and just talk about my results. Which of course there are very few of you who give a shit how I do. Some of you which play against me love me to lose because it means that you most likely won. I would like to try to devote more time to making this blog better. I will try to write a bit more about topics or analysis that I am thinking about these days. Maybe even some other stuff going on in the poker world that I know. Who knows. I would ask if anyone has any topics they would like see addressed, researched, or questions?

Right now however I am not playing a ton of poker. A little online still. Anyone playing in the FTOPS? So there has not been much to blog about. Last week was a complete bust. I played $50/100 at the Muck on Tuesday for almost 8 hours and won 5 hands. In that entire session I only took one bad beat. I just kept ending up on the short end of the stick with good starting hands. That happens. The curse of Dr. Chako lives. Hope today is better.

Talk to you soon and hope you are all winning..SJ


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that the poker "fad" has begun to fade...probably quickened by the actions of the U.S. government. There's over exposure on TV, too many magazines, everyone has a book, etc. I enjoy reading the poker content of your blog as it provides some insight into higher stakes games which I'll never have the chance to experience.

6:09 AM  
Blogger DrChako said...

I need to overcome my own curse. It's like I'm in self-destruct mode.

I too enjoy reading your blog, although your "voice" was more entertaining when you were winning. We all know you'll get back into the winning form soon. I was just re-reading Doyle's section of S/S2 where he says you can't evaluate a player when they are winning - only when they are on a downswing. My downswing seems to be temporally related to yours. I guess I'm hoping that when you turn it around, I will somehow magically follow.

Ideas for future topics - do you think that when the "fad" dies down, we'll ever return to the good ol' days when there were plently of sheep, or are those days gone?


PS. I agree with the rule about not being allowed to gesture with your chips to get information, although I'm not sure how you would enforce it. At the very least, it's probably in bad taste (similar to a slow roll). That said, when I'm tilting, I tend to use every trick in the book to get information. My head-fake bet last night was just such an example. Not proud of it, but there it is.

9:24 AM  

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