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Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Wow, I just found out last night while talking with Barry that my comments section was not working and that is why they were not popping up on my BLOG. I must have come off as a complete asshole for not answering any of the comments or allowing them to post. What a dumbshit I am. I am feeling really stupid right now, but I accepted all the comments and now need to go back and read them to see what you all said. I thought because I am such a crappy writer everyone just stopped reading. Glad to see that there are a least still a few of you around. You might still think I am an asshole, but at least it won't be because I was ignoring your posts. SORRY.

On the side of poker I went down and played last night at the MUCK in the $50/100 game. As you can surmise by my title is was UGLY. The last time I played in the game I won the second most amount of all of last year. Well yesterday I posted the 5th biggest loss from all of last year. Ain't variance a bitch. I can accept that my variance will be a little higher than some of the better players in that game because I tend to action it up a little more that most decent players, and I think I can play post flop better than an average player in that game so in the long run I should come out positive EV. But last night was just brutal. I was getting my money in with the best and just getting rivered to death. I had people right where I wanted them and then a 2,3,4,6 outer kept happening. Over and over and over. It was just super frustrating. But hey that's poker. You have those days. I just had one a month ago in Vegas so this should not have happened so soon after, but I guess there is not much I can do about it. I am not going to bore you with bad beats but I took all of them last night. The only thing I did not have happen was full house over bigger full house. I did have the dreaded set over set happen twice last night, and those are expensive hands. I think I handled it pretty well. I did not tilt, I did not start playing weaker hands to make it back, I just sat there and kept playing my game. I might have come off as a little bummed, but all in all I was happy with not tilting.

I continue to run pretty mediocre, I had AA once in the blind and had one player come with me to the river. KK's twice and went 1 for 2. I still don't have a full house ticket in the box. I actually made a full house last night that qualified, but they did not give me a ticket. I forgot to remind them, o well what's one more bad beat. Not like they draw my name ever. I spent an inordinate amount of time folding crap all night. I probably played three hands I am not happy that I played which all cost me money because I caught a piece of the flop and paid off, and I paid off maybe 6 or 7 river bets into huge pots when I lost on the river to the suckouts. Other than that I was ok with my play. Just one of those nights. The game was good too, a few weak players and some of the usual good players. We are starting to get some new blood into the game which is good. Maybe this game will get going every day now. I still can only play on Tuesdays, but good for the other regulars down there. I need to work on not making that payoff bet on the river when I know I just got beat, but it is so hard into those big pots not to pay that last bet off. You only have to catch a bluff about 1 out of 10 to make it worthwhile but last night they were all wrong.

I will most likely not play next Tuesday, but I am planning on going to LA next weekend of the 10th to play in a limit tournament on Thursday and maybe the NL on Friday, as well as the cash games at the Commerce which are always just awesome during tournament time. Hope you are all running better than and I am and good luck. SJ


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