So I went to bed after a fairly disappointing day and was ready to play the $1500 limit event. Now I play limit as my 1st game and I was feeling pretty good about this event, but the way I had been running for the last month needed to change for me to have any chance.
I started the event as good as I could have hoped for. We started with only 5 of the players at the table. I started with the BB and the SB was not there. It was folded to the button and I looked down at K,6, he raised of course to steal the blinds. I made the call and flopped a K on a ragged board. I bet right out he raised, I three bet, he called. Turn was a nothing and I bet out he raised, I called, river another nothing card, I checked he bet I called and showed him my K which was good. Take the pot. Next hand in the SB with the BB not there, also was folded to the same player who just tried to run over me, and of course he raised again. This time I three bet him out of the SB with pocket 77's and he called. Flop came 7,5,5. I checked and he checked behind me, turn a Q I bet out and he just mucked. O well did not make much on that hand. I proceeded to win a few more pots and then cracked AA with an A,6 of clubs when I turned a flush. I now had $2,800 in chips before the end of the first round and was feeling really good.
That was all she wrote however. I went absolutely card dead for the rest of the day. They broke my 1st table about 45 minutes into round two, and right before they were going to start the final table of the $1500 nl event #2. I was sitting right up against the final table so it would have been a good spot to play and watch but alas it was not to be. I got moved to a table which had Dutch Boyd and Josh Schlein
This picture was taken of him at my table early in the tournament, he finished 3rd in the event. He was a very aggressive player and good to boot. I did not play a pot with him, heck I did not play a pot at the table I think. Funny dude however, you can tell just by looking at him he was goofy. Someone asked him about his final table hands at the WPT Aruba event and he told some good stories. Dutch was short stacked and went out about 15 minutes after I got there.
I then got moved for the third time. I made it about half way through round 4 when I just had to take a stand because I was not going to get any cards. With about $900 in chips left playing $150/300 there was a raise in late position and I had pocket 55's on the button. I three bet the hand all in, and to my surprise, the SB four bet it and the BB called, both of them all in and now the original raiser called with no more action to come. The flop came 4,6,6, turn a 10 river and A. I was up against SB=99's, BB=A,Jo, and original raiser A,6 off. Wow I went out two straight tournaments to A,6o. The worst hand won the pot, shitty. Time to go back to Bellagio.
I return to Bellagio and get into the $100/200 game, same guys as day before. Same shitty run of cards. I play another really long session from mostly behind again, but this time I manage to get myself a small win. Not much consolation however as I did not come here to make nothing. I decided to go to bed and skip the shorthanded event on Friday as I wanted to play another session of $100/200 all day Friday and I did not want to get a late start. I did get to go to Joe Bartholdi's party at Carmel on Thursday night while I was taking a break from my session. Just a bunch of poker players sitting around drinking, nothing great there.
I got up around noon on Friday and took my seat in the $100/200 game again. This time I go straight down making hands that get sucked out on and paying off. Prime example #1, I have pocket QQ's in late position. I raise and get called out of the SB and BB. Flop comes 9,10,J. No a great flop for me but not horrible. Checked to me, I bet, SB calls BB mucks. Turn a Q, really not the hand I wanted to make now. Checked to me I bet now and I get raised. I call almost sure I am beat but still call. Please pair the board on the river, nope a 3. Bet, and I make the crying call, and he shows me AK for the gutshot on the turn. Nice 5 outer sir. Whole day and night went like that, just a whole lot of crap. I end up booking another small loss and decide I am done playing for the trip. Nothing was going my way and I was tired.
I did watch Aaron play some $600/1200 Omaha, 2-7, and badugi. I also got to meet Chris Fargis of Nice guy, although he was not having a good night, and may not even remember meeting me as it was around 2:00am. Aaron won enough to buy a small house that night. The game was 5 handed and there was one dude who was in for -$220,000, ouch that is a bad night. I guess my losses don't look so bad compared to that guy. It is all relative.
On a side note there are two players from Seattle in today's HORSE event. Aaron Katz and Rep. Go guys, here are the shots form today courtesy of Cardplayer site.
Hope you are all winning and I will talk to you soon about some other observations on the trip. SJ